

Methods to solve the problem of light pollution on led screens.


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Investigations and studies have shown that if the human eye is accustomed to the ambient brightness of 800cd/m2, the brightness that the human eye can see is 80 to 8000cd/m2. If the brightness exceeds this range, the human eye must be adjusted for a few seconds to see gradually. Therefore, the LED display should be adjusted according to the environment brightness, and environmental brightness monitoring equipment should be introduced to provide a reliable basis for brightness adjustment, so that the brightness of the display can be adjusted to a comfortable viewing range for the human eye. At night, the brightness of the display should be controlled below 10 times the ambient brightness.


1. Introduce the brightness adjustment standard

The brightness of many outdoor display screens is too high at night, causing serious light pollution and affecting the lives of surrounding residents to a certain extent. To this end, the relevant departments should issue monitor brightness adjustment standards to strengthen the prevention of light pollution, requiring monitor users to actively adjust the brightness output according to the environmental brightness, and it is strictly forbidden to output high-intensity glare in the dark night.


2. Reduce blue light output

Different wavelengths of light will bring different visual experience to the human eye. Due to the complexity of human eye perception, it is difficult to reflect the human eye's perception of light through the measurement standard of brightness, so the irradiance index can be introduced as a standard for judging the safe energy range of visible light. When measuring the impact of light on the human eye, it is impossible to rely solely on the human eye’s perception of the brightness of blue light. Instead, it is necessary to introduce an irradiance measuring device, and use the data measured by the measuring device to objectively reflect the influence of the blue light output intensity on vision. Perceived impact. The manufacturer of the LED display screen should appropriately reduce the blue light output on the basis of ensuring the display function of the display screen, so as not to cause discomfort to the human eyes.

3. Control light distribution

Reasonably arrange the light of the LED display screen to evenly distribute the light energy output by the display screen within the visible light range of the human eye to avoid the problem of local glare. This requires that when the LED display is produced, the direction and scale of light irradiation must be strictly limited in order to effectively control the light pollution of the LED display. 


4. Clearly indicate the safety protection method

In the instruction manual of the LED display product, safety precautions should be marked, the focus is to explain the correct method of adjusting the brightness of the LED display, and to explain the possible hazard time that the human eye looks directly at the display for a long time. If the display brightness automatic adjustment system fails, you can manually adjust the brightness. At the same time, it is necessary to promote light pollution safety protection measures to the public to enhance the public's ability to protect themselves. For example, you can't look directly at the display for a long time, avoid focusing on the details on the display, and avoid the visual highlights caused by the LEDs gathering on the fundus of your eyes. In severe cases, it may even cause retinal burns.


5. Improve product performance and quality

In order to ensure the performance of LED display products, the brightness detection of products in indoor and outdoor environments should be strengthened. In the indoor inspection process, the staff should wear black sunglasses with a brightness reduction of 2 to 4 times, and observe at close range whether there is a problem with the details of the display. During the outdoor test, the staff should wear black sunglasses with a brightness reduction of 4-8 times. Especially when testing in a dark environment, workers must wear safety protection tools to prevent workers from being exposed to strong light.


6. Introduce advanced technology

In different time periods and different locations, there are obvious differences in the brightness changes of the LED display. When the brightness output of the display exceeds 60% of the ambient brightness, it will cause discomfort to the human eyes and light pollution. Therefore, the LED display should be equipped with an outdoor brightness collection system to collect the ambient brightness in real time and transmit the ambient brightness information to the central control room. The central control room automatically calculates the most suitable display output brightness based on the received data and uses it as the basis for brightness adjustment.


In addition, multi-level grayscale correction technology should be introduced in the LED display to improve the color transition problem of the ordinary 8-bit color display and avoid the strong discomfort of the human eye. With the support of multi-level gray-scale correction technology, the color display level of the original display system can be increased to 14 bits, thereby bringing a soft color transition to the human eye and reducing light stimulation to the human eye.


As a light source, LED display screens inevitably have problems of light safety and light pollution during operation. In order to effectively prevent the harm caused by the LED display to the human body, measures should be taken on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of its light safety issues. Reasonable and feasible measures to eliminate the light pollution of the LED display can not only protect human health, but also expand the application range of the LED display.

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